Thursday, August 8, 2019

Word Tools — No ads on Sundays

Update Released

Version 0.0.15-Beta is available for download.
Get it on Google Play

This app has been published exclusively to the Google Play Store. Do not trust copies from third parties.

Change Log

Ad-free Sundays:

  • Ads will not be shown any time the app is used on a Sunday. The other six days of the week ads will be shown in the same way they were before.

The main focus of this app is for Bible study, though it can be used for any other text that a user decides to copy and paste into it. Sundays seem to be the day of the week that the app will digest the most scripture.

I have always tried to keep ads to a minimum and as far out of the way as possible. I have also never used full screen ads in any of my apps.

This change is to keep ads completely out of the way for users who like to use the app during church, as well as to virtually take a day of rest each week from the marketplace.

Road Map

  • Ability to modify an existing tool
  • Better handling of URLs
  • Onboarding information or how-to videos

I will continue to release updates often. The goal is to have a useful set of tools which a user can quickly get to. I hope to one day add the ability for users to build their own custom tools to keep in the toolbox.

I have lots of ideas here but would love to know if there is any use case that I am able to help out with. If you have ideas for tools that could be useful please contact me through the developer email listed on the Google Play Store.