Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Stocked App — Update Released

Update Released

Version 0.5.59-Beta started rolling out across devices back on April 25th.
Get it on Google Play

This app has been published exclusively to the Google Play Store. Do not trust copies from third parties.

Change Log

  • Built "Popular Examples" links to outside sites so that the ones you use the most will be at the top and least will fall to the bottom.
  • Fixed the advertisement at the top of the page so that it shouldn't resize very much if any once it loads. This should keep it from pushing the page around and help to insure you don't accidently tap it.
  • Data loads faster for the tabs. Most if not all of the issues with the three lists of content not loading or loading slowly should be resolved.

Road Map

  • I hope to add the option for users to list their own favorite stock photo sites in the "Popular Examples" area.
  • I would like to show a trending sparkline for items in the "24 Hr" and "7 Day" lists in place of the purple charts.