Saturday, May 11, 2019

Random Verse — Select Books

Update Released

Version 0.7.37-Beta
Get it on Google Play

This app has been published exclusively to the Google Play Store. Do not trust copies from third parties.

Change Log

  • Option to select and unselect from the list of books that the random verse generator will choose from.

    For example, if you only want to see random verses from the gospel books you can now select only: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. After that all random verses will only come from that section of the Bible. This feature should make the app more useful for Bible study.

Road Map

  • I want to keep a small recent history list so that users can easily go back to verses they have gone to before from the app.
  • Next I hope to add in some group labels at the top of the book selection list. That way with one tap you will be able to easily select or unselect entire groups, such as "Gospel" or "New Testament."
  • Add widget to bypass needing to open the app and motivate more frequent Bible study.
  • Ability to open verses with many other popular Bible apps, currently it always opens in the most popular Bible app.