Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Random Verse — App Update

Update Published

Version 0.5.29-Beta
Get it on Google Play

This app has been published exclusively to the Google Play Store. Do not trust copies from third parties.

Change Log

  • An error was keeping a small number of verses from showing (Genesis 19:29-38 and Isaiah 37:29-38), this has been corrected
  • Smaller app size
  • Cleaner icon

Road Map

  • Add verses for many other English versions
  • Add widget to bypass needing to open the app 

About the App

While it is very easy to pick up a paper Bible and let the pages fall to any random verse, it has not always been so easy or possible to do so with most Bible apps on the market.

This app will point you to a verse from which you may begin reading or studying the Holy Bible. The intent of this app is to provide you with a starting point from which you may dig-in and study further, not to simply show you one verse out of context.

Do not expect the cherry-picked most popular verses of scripture. There is an equal probability that any verse from the old testament or new testament will be selected.

This app does pick verses at random while offline, but it won't show the full scripture unless you touch to open the reference in another app.