Monday, January 4, 2021

Bible Speller — Menu Options

Update Published

Version 0.7.83-Beta is out now.

This app has been published exclusively to the Google Play Store. Do not trust copies from third parties.

Change Log

  • Option to "Rate App In Store" should open directly into the Google Play Store.
  • Option to "Contact Developer" which should start an email from you to the developer.
Get it on Google Play

Please note that this and future updates will not be available to devices running Android versions prior to 4.1 (aka Jelly Bean). For the time being a previous version of this app (version 0.7.63) will remain available for installs on those older devices.

If you install on an older device and are able to upgrade Android at any point later, then this app update will automatically become available to you at that time.

Road Map

  • I would like to make the gray boxes which hold the book names actually look more like they are written on the spine of a book.
  • I would like to make a nicer looking layout for the player statistics.

About the App

Learn the books of the Bible by learning how to spell them. Given the book before and the one after you will try to spell the missing book between them. Unlock sorted mode to go through the books in order.

You will never be presented with misspelled answers to choose from. Correct answers are reinforced any time you make a mistake.

Ads are kept out of the way so that you won't accidentally touch them. They are also kept to a minimum so that they won't distract from game play.

This app is under active development.
It may be unstable.