Saturday, April 27, 2019

Word Tools — A Bible Toolbox

The idea

To build a toolbox which can extend functionality of a Bible app you already use.

Providing a solution for situations where the only option was to select the entire verse, this app will let you select word(s) from it. From there you will be able to apply a variety of tools to that selection such as looking up the definition for a word.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

My plan is to go from nothing to a published app by the end of the weekend. Bare minimum functionality will be included to get the app in the store.

  • Paste in or share verse from another Bible app into this toolbox
  • Select a word from it
  • Open a popular dictionary website for that selection

Road Map

Once released with that minimum use case possible, I will continue to release updates often. The goal is to have a useful set of tools which a user can quickly get to. I hope to one day add the ability for users to build their own custom tools to keep in the toolbox. I have lots of ideas here but would love to know if there is any use case that I am able to help out with. If you have ideas for tools that could be useful please contact me through the developer email listed on the Google Play Store.