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Bible reading plans, each 40 days long
Lent begins today and with that I wanted to list a collection of every English reading plan provided on Bible.com that is available for you to begin reading today. These are the plans that are available in the YouVersion Bible App. These are provided through many different publishers they partner with. There are 48 plans listed here (all on one page, sorry) starting with the most recently added and going back to the ones that have been around the longest.
Hopefully these will help you to find a devotional Bible plan to use during this lenten season, or anytime you want to start a 40 day reading plan.
#1 40 Daily Devotionals for Lent
This study, brought to you by First15, is designed to accompany you on your journey through the Lent season, and provide encouragement as you spend time in God's presence and intentionally seek Him over the next 40 days. We hope this is a helpful resource for you!
#2 Mondo
Gospel-A-Day reading plan through the Lent season leading up to Easter. Read the ENTIRE Gospel!
#3 Faithful Love
Faithful love. Covenant promise. Everlasting commitment. Not only do these words describe the relationship of God to His people, but they describe the relationship of Hosea to his wife, Gomer. When God’s people turned away from Him, He could have turned His back on them. Instead, He sent His faithful love. Hosea reminds us that God is a covenant keeping God. His faithful love pursues His people, His promises remain steadfast, and His commitment remains sure. This story offers encouragement and hope, showing how God’s faithful love pursues us.
#4 Daniel: Far From Home
The story of Daniel and his three friends is well known and well loved. But the account of these four men, in a far away land, is so much more than the lion’s den and a fiery furnace that we remember from Sunday school. In forty days, experienced Bible–teacher Justin Mote, shows us God’s goodness, provision and sovereignty, even when the situation seems out of control.
#5 Invest In Love: A Prayer Journey For Workers
We love because God first loved us. Until we have received God’s love, and grasped its breadth, height, and depth, our attempts to love others will falter. Our love is a response to meeting the God who is love, and allowing ourselves to be loved by Him. This 40-day prayer journey focuses on investing time in receiving God’s love, being changed by that love, and responding to that love.
#6 Word on the Street - II
This gospel-friendly, reader-friendly plan is designed to help you enjoy the riches of the Gospel in Galatians, Daniel and Ephesians. Readings from the two epistles are paired with selected psalms for meditative prayer and readings from Daniel are paired with their continuing theme and fulfilment in the New Testament.
#7 Fast From Wrong Thinking
It is not a “fast” from food, it is a fast from 40 negative thoughts that are causing you distress, anxiety, sadness, pain, depression, and hurt—thoughts that are beating you up—and have kept you from experiencing the real Jesus. Hundreds of thousands of people have experienced Fast From Wrong Thinking. This is our ALL NEW 2019 YouVersion Fast From Wrong Thinking. It will change your life.
#8 40 Reasons For Thanksgiving
Over 2500 completions
We are quick to pray when we are in crisis or desire something from God. How about taking time to think about why we should praise Him or be thankful? In this Thanksgiving season, Influencers encourages you to join us in 40 days of Thanksgiving. To help you, we will give you "40 Reasons for Thanksgiving". It will be a refreshing time and will bless your heart.#9 Wisdom For Life Prayer Journey
We all need godly wisdom for work and life but how do we get it? This prayer journey guides us to grow in the wisdom that transforms our work, relationships, and lives. Join us on this 40-day journey and you will receive short daily prompts to pray and reflect on as you discover that ‘wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her’ (Proverbs 8:11).
#10 Read To Hear: Exodus
Over 1000 completions
This plan will guide you in reading the Book of Exodus and in hearing what God is speaking to you personally. We are looking forward to reading and hear this together with our church.#11 Pray For Life: A Prayer Journey
Over 1000 completions
It can be hard to know where to begin when praying for people to know God for themselves, so this 40-day journey guides us in how to pray for our friends and colleagues to become spiritually alive.#12 The Devotional to End All Devotionals
Over 1000 completions
The Devotional to End All Devotionals teaches and empowers Christians to study God’s Word on their own while relying on the Holy Spirit alone for understanding and personal application of what they read. Study spiritual disciplines, basic Bible doctrine, and discover your life purpose while practicing three methods of personal Bible study suitable for Christians of all ages and stages of spiritual growth.#13 1,000,000 Chapters – Part 4
This is the fourth part of Parkview Christian Church’s series to read through 1,000,000 chapters of the Bible together. There is nothing that equips or invites the Church to live like Jesus more than reading the Bible. The pages of the Bible capture God’s story and lead those who dare to read it to live out His story for today. That’s why Parkview is making the challenge to our church to collectively read 1,000,000 chapters of the Bible together. Will you join us on the journey?
#14 Easter: The Worship Initiative
Over 5000 completions
The Worship Initiative's 40-day reading plan is designed for commemorating and meditating on Christ Jesus in the days leading up to Easter. This devotional plan will deepen your faith in Jesus, and it will encourage you as you reflect on His life, death, and resurrection. Download the worship songs as a companion on this journey!#15 Journeying With Jesus - 40 Days Lent Devotional
‘Journeying With Jesus’ is a Bible plan to help us walk with Jesus through the last two chapters of Matthew. We stop to focus on Jesus' last days on this earth and what that means to us. How does that change who I am and Whose I am today? We will take time to dwell on Scripture and “bring it home” with questions that make us consider where we are on the journey of knowing Jesus.
#16 Trusting God: A Prayer Journey
Over 5000 completions
Trust is the basis of our relationship with God yet learning to fully rely on him can be difficult. This prayer journey guides us in how to grow our trust, even when faced with difficulties and loss. Join us on this 40-day journey and you will receive short daily prompts to pray and reflect on how you can increase your trust in God.#17 Whole Life Worship: A Prayer Journey
Over 5000 completions
We know worship is more than just music. We long to follow Christ in every area of life, offering our whole lives as worship. So how might this become a reality Monday to Sunday? In our everyday places – offices and colleges, sport clubs and cafes, nursing homes, and churches? Join us on this 40-day journey to pray and discover how worship can infuse and transform every area of your life.#18 40 Days With Jesus
Over 5000 completions
Walk with Jesus through His life and ministry here on earth, learning how He wants us to live, lead and influence people.#19 Love God Greatly: Sold Out
Over 7500 completions
Many can name the cast of their favorite TV show or the full roster of their favorite team. But few Christians know the names of all twelve of Jesus’s disciples. These are the twelve: Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him (Matthew 10:2-4). These were the twelve men Jesus chose to become his closest companions and ministers during his three-year ministry. And these are the twelve men whose lives we will be studying in this six-week Love God Greatly study. As it became clear to the disciples who Jesus really is, and as the Holy Spirit came upon them, their faith grew and their passion for their Savior was ignited. They became men who were not only willing to give up family and home but men who were willing to give up their very lives for the glory of Jesus. This did not happen because they were more special than any of us. This is the result of the power of God in them. Men who were fearful became bold. Men who were ignorant became wise. Men who were confused as to where they were to go or what they were to do became clear about their calling. A real encounter with Jesus changes people. As you study these twelve men, look not only at the various experiences these men had and how this close encounter with Jesus changed them but also at how you can be changed as well. So grab your favorite beverage, crack open your Bible, and let’s encounter this same Jesus together, reading and writing what God speaks into our hearts along the way. For more encouragement, join us at LoveGodGreatly.com where you’ll find further insights, community, and content to supplement your time in God's Word!#20 Overcome Porn: The 40 Day Challenge
Over 10000 completions
Overcome Porn is a 40 day program that helps you break free from the temptations of porn. Each day you'll learn how to run from porn, run to God, and run with somebody in pursuit of holiness. Covenant Eyes provides Internet Accountability software to help people bring openness and honesty to their Internet use. Use the code “YouVersion” when you sign up to get your first 30 days free.#21 Love God Greatly: Broken & Redeemed
Over 10000 completions
In this six-week Love God Greatly study, you're invited to see the goodness of God as He remembers Sarah throughout her years of infertility. Come see Him care for Naomi as she deals with loss and loneliness. Behold our great God who gave Moses courage, Paul's true zeal, and the adulterous woman's forgiveness and the change of a new life. All of the people we will study--and us included--have hearts and souls that need rescuing. Ultimately we will find that the answer to all of our brokenness--no matter who we are or what we've done--is Christ himself.#22 Got Change?
Over 2500 completions
We keep talking about change, how much this world needs it. True change is not brought about by the formation of new laws, rather by the transformation of each one’s life. You will find in this Plan a reminder for each day of an area we need to change in and grow, prompting us into Christ likeness and becoming the change this world needs to see and emulate. So…..Got Change?#23 #Jesus - Daily Devotionals
Over 5000 completions
Since centuries, the time before Easter has been seen as a time to consciously turn to Jesus Christ. Take a deeper look into a life with Jesus in a fresh way during the next six weeks. Through different approaches to God, you will encounter the secret of an amazing promise: “I have come to give life – life to the full” (Jesus).#24 HIStory: A Six Week Study of the Gospel of John
Over 7500 completions
Jesus was more than just a figurative religious voice. He actually walked this earth as a man revealing to us the full nature of God. One of his best friends, John, took time to write down for us the account of his life, ministry, and teachings. This six-week study through the Gospel of John is not only history, but it’s also His Story.#25 Love God Greatly: Walking In Wisdom
Over 25000 completions
Trust in the Lord instead of your own understanding is where the book of Proverbs ultimately leads us. This six-week study points to a topical look at Proverbs and the key themes of wisdom in our speech, our relationships, our work, and wealth as well as in the face of temptations. You can purchase the book on Amazon: Walking In Wisdom by Love God Greatly. Please note: The study is designed to break on the weekends. You will have two days each week without content. For further encouragement, join us at LoveGodGreatly.com#26 The I Was A Stranger Challenge
Over 1000 completions
The heart of why Christians believe we should love, welcome, and seek justice for refugees and other foreigners is our commitment to the authority of Scripture over every aspect of our lives. The “I Was a Stranger” Challenge is simple: Will you commit, over the course of 40 days, to read one Bible passage each day that speaks to God’s heart for those who have been displaced, praying that God would guide us to His heart?#27 Love God Greatly - Galatians
Over 7500 completions
Love God Greatly is a community of women which exists to inspire, encourage and equip women all over the world to read God’s Word on a daily basis through our six week Monday-Friday Bible reading plans. Each day you can join our online community by participating in our Monday-Wednesday-Friday corresponding blog posts at LoveGodGreatly.com. We invite you to join other like-minded women from around the world on Facebook: Love God Greatly, Instagram and Twitter by using the #LoveGodGreatly Bible study hashtag and share your daily insights with us.#28 Belmont University - Freshmen First Forty Days
This 40 day prayer plan was written by students, faculty and staff at Belmont University as a daily devotional for incoming freshmen. Each day guides and encourages new college students in their faith in Jesus Christ through the word of God and the sincere thoughts, seasoned advice and honest prayers of the contributing authors. May these words help you grow in your love for God and your love for others!
#29 "Sexodus" Relationships Devotional
Over 25000 completions
This 40-day reading plan is designed to help those in a relationship, those planning to get married, or those already married to get into the Word and understand the Biblical foundations of marriage.#30 Preparing Our Hearts for Easter: A Lenten Devotional
Over 100000 completions
What is Lent? It is a time in which we anticipate the victory of the light and life of Christ over the darkness of sin and death. As we journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter, we are reminded of the reality of our frailty and God’s redeeming grace.#31 Healing The Wounded Heart
Over 50000 completions
Healing our emotional wounds with the Word of God, in order to serve Him better.#32 Belmont University - Freshmen First Forty Days
This 40 day prayer plan was written by students, faculty and staff at Belmont University as a daily devotional for incoming freshmen. Each day guides and encourages new college students in their faith in Jesus Christ through the word of God and the sincere thoughts, seasoned advice and honest prayers of the contributing authors. May these words help you grow in your love for God and your love for others!